personalized and specific, leveraging human expertise with the clever use of artificial intelligence

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For attorneys, offers proprietary structures to maximize results from large language models. queries large language models and other AI to provide additional information to attorneys (representing either Plaintiffs or Defendants) about the background of other similar cases, offers potential argument structures and potential defenses, explores potential weakness in the opposing parties’ likely arguments, explores potential sources of discovery, offers points of persuasion, and other context.

As a consulting service, offers bespoke specified queries of AI by one or more an experienced attorneys that are tailored to provide additional information on your case.

To see what can offer, try the generic version of (using Chatgpt 3.5) for free:

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Additional Bespoke Individual Services: also provides individual tailor specific inquiries.

Please contact Jurimai for further information about subsequent, follow-up, bespoke, and other series of inquiries that can be based on more specific facts, arguments, and positions.

Benefits of

  1. Use Large Language Models.
  2. The use of large language models can help develop new and different background, arguments, strategies and other useful information
  3. uses proprietary and public AI tools like ChatGPT to streamline case development process and offer insights and additional information.

Jurimai bespoke individual services address the needs and challenges of:

  1. Solo Practitioners: Jurimai can help individual attorneys who may benefit from an external perspective and the increased efficiency AI tools can provide.
  2. Small to Mid-sized Law Firms: Jurimai can help small to mid sized firms that may lack a dedicated IT department or the funds to invest in expensive AI legal tools
  3. Specialty Practices: Jurimai can help firms or lawyers specializing in areas like IP law, environmental law, or other niche fields to leverage these new AI tools.

For example, Jurimai can help attorneys and others:

Some Advantages For Plaintiffs’ Counsel

Find Good Cases

Maximize Legal Arguments

Quantify Elements of Recovery

Neutralize Opposing Parties’ Arguments

Explore Additional Sources of Discovery

Persuasive Arguments in Context

Some Advantages For Defendants’ Counsel

Reduce Potential Liability

Maximize Defenses


Jurimai does not provide legal advice. Jurimai does not provide “legal research.” Jurimai is different than Westlaw or Lexis and not a substitute for your due diligence and own research. See Terms and Conditions of Use.

The recipient of information from Jurimai is solely responsible to determine its accuracy and validity. Large language models, our proprietary systems, and artificial intelligence are known to provide incorrect, inaccurate, and false information (“hallucinate”). does not check the information provided for accuracy. All users are solely responsible for checking the accuracy and validity of any information provided.The recipient of the information is solely responsible to determine the correct law of their jurisdiction and the correct application of the law to the facts of a case.